What we see onstage is the result of countless hours of toil, sweat, failure and resilience.  It is only by becoming a stronger person on the inside that we get to the seemingly effortless level of confidence exuded by our students.


Spring Showcase 2025: 
The Giant's Garden

MBSA encourages all students* in Pre-Ballet I through Academy II to participate in the annual showcase. Performing shows the skills learned in ballet class, increases self-confidence, and provides an opportunity to work towards a project in which each child is an important part of a larger whole…and it is a lot of fun!

The Family Guide contains detailed information inlcuding mandatory rehearsal dates, performance and venue information, required costume/class attire, ticket info, and more.

Parent volunteer information will be shared in early April. Ticket sales for all performances will be available onine in mid-April.

*Students in Dance Along With Me and Creative Movement classes do not participate in the Spring Showcase.

Weekly Academy Rehearsals

Saturday, March 29
Spring Break - no classes and rehearsals in session through Sunday, March 30.
Classes resume on Monday, March 31.

Academy Division Students in Pre-Academy, Academy I, and Academy II will have weekly rehearsals on Saturdays following morning classes. Students will have a 30 minute lunch break prior to rehearsals as scheduled. Rehearsal schedules for the coming Saturday will be posted by Tuesday each week.