Summer Intensive Registration

All students who wish to register for the Summer Intensive programs must have first auditioned and received acceptance and placement into either the 3-week or 5-week program. Find more information about Summer Intensive auditions here.

Registration Information

Please carefully review the refund policies listed below before proceeding with Summer Intensive registration.

Questions regarding registration, payment plans, and your account can be directed to the Registrar.

The following items are due to complete your registration. Email all documents and forms to

Due by March 15, 2025:

Due by May 1, 2025:


Welcome Packets & Materials

Please review these welcome packets for the programs and for students who plan to reside in program housing.

Refund Policies

General Refund Policy

The Milwaukee Ballet Summer Intensive Programs are likely to reach registration capacity. In order to ensure students’ commitment to attending and fully participating in these programs, the following refund policy will be adhered to in all withdrawal circumstances, with the exception to serious illness (not including COVID-19) and injury only (see Illness or Injury Refund Policy below).

Deposits ($500 tuition, $500 housing) and the $25 registration fee are non-refundable at any time and for any reason.
Any amount previously paid toward Summer Intensive tuition and/or housing fees are non-refundable

Illness or Injury Refund Policy

The Milwaukee Ballet Summer Intensive Programs involve 6-8 hours of dancing each day. We strongly recommend students arrive to the program ready to work. To prevent injury, we discourage students from taking too much time off before arriving to the program. Once the program begins, if a student feels that they cannot attend class, they must notify the School Office before their first class of the day begins. Students are expected to observe class if they are injured but still feeling well enough to go out. Physicians and physical therapists from the Froedtert Sports Medicine Center and the Medical College of Wisconsin will be available at Milwaukee Ballet’s Baumgartner Center for Dance studios once a week to treat minor injuries. A signup sheet will be posted at the studio. Students who require immediate medical attention will be taken to Froedtert Hospital/Medical College of Wisconsin campus or Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital by a member of the Milwaukee Ballet staff. If the student is under 18 years of age, parents will be contacted in advance. If such action is taken, your provided medical insurance will be used.

Students who become too injured or ill to complete the program will be sent home with a partial refund, upon receipt of a doctor’s letter within 10 business days of the injury, according to the following schedule:

Deposits ($500 tuition, $500 housing) and $25 registration fee are non-refundable for any reason.
If an injury or illness prevents a student from arriving for the program and is reported by May 30, 2025, 100% of the balance paid, less the deposits and registration fee, will be refunded.
If an injury or illness requires a student to leave the program early, or if it is reported after May 30, 2025, the amount of unused fees will be calculated, and the billed party will receive 50% of the unused fees, less the deposit and registration fee.